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How do I apply for housing?

You can apply online or by calling the office for a paper application. 


Do you have Emergency Housing?

No. If you are homeless you can call 211. 

Can I receive assistance under one program while waiting for another?

Yes. You must still update your application annually or whenever a change has occurred with the household. You can update your information via our online contact form.

Hours of Operation?

Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 4:00PM
You can also contact the WCHA via telephone/fax at:
Tel: 570-488-6069
Fax: 570-488-6496

What is Section 8?

The Housing Choice Voucher Program or Section 8, as it is more commonly known, is a federally funded government program that assists very low-income families, elderly and disabled people in affording decent, safe and sanitary housing in the private market.

What is the status of my application?

You can check your status on our website by clicking the “Check Wait List Status” button. 

How long is my wait?

The WCHA cannot predict wait times. Variables such as funding and unit or voucher availability affect the waiting time. When funding is available, a unit or voucher is available and your name reaches the top of the wait list you will be contacted to complete your eligibility review.

Will I need to provide any documentation at the time of application?

No, at the time of application you will not be required to provide documentation. The Housing Authority will request documentation necessary to verify the information on your application (e.g., birth certificates, social security cards, tax returns, income, etc.) as part of the application review process.

General FAQ


A Good Place To Live

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Information/Guideline Handbook

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Date modified: 11-19-2020

Information For Landlords

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Size: 151.50 KB
Date added: 01-06-2022
Date modified: 01-06-2022

Prospective Program Participants

Size: 111.83 KB
Date added: 11-19-2020
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Lead Paint

Size: 1.16 MB
Date added: 11-19-2020
Date modified: 11-19-2020
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